Bethesda Maryland Swimming Pool Removal Experts
I often say “I make a living from bustin up concrete and movin dirt”. Which is true….to an extent. And if only it was that easy! I’m aware that not everybody wants to spend their time sitting around looking at pictures of swimming pool demolition jobs, I get it! My purpose here is to educate and inform prospective clients on what to expect from us as a professional swimming pool removal company.
Employers from all blue-collar industries are faced with problems with finding qualified crew members. Do you want an owner operator contractor to remove your Bethesda MD swimming pool where the owner is onsite from start to finish? Or, do you think you’ll be ok in going with a pool removal company where the owner is no where to be found and sends his workers out to remove your pool?
Who you choose to remove your Bethesda MD swimming pool MATTERS
Yes, there are times where we do remove a pool that is cut and dry and very straight forward. And then there are times where the pool removal has some challenging attributes, such as this swimming pool demolition we recently completed in Bethesda MD.
Who you choose to perform your pool removal really does matter. Will the contractor even be capable of identifying any challenges? Will the contractor be able to formulate a plan to demolish / remove your pool with as little disruption to your property as possible? Allow me to back up here – I mentioned “with as little disruption to your property”. I don’t want to mislead anyone. Pool removal can be disruptive, and there are times where the property owner must make some sacrifices. Selecting a contractor with knowledge and experience can help lesson disruptions.
The Bethesda Maryland swimming pool removal job shown in these pictures was on a tight lot with no simple way for the equipment access the pool. The pool area was encompassed with a retaining wall. And the work space was confining, making it difficult to maneuver our equipment.
Challenging Pool Removal Solutions
It appeared that the stone masonry retaining wall was well built. So we made a dirt ramp in front of the retaining wall so that our equipment could access the swimming pool. The first thing we did was we remove the wall’s stone capping, as the capping would surely have been broken. Next we covered the wall with a tarp to help keep the stone clean and to help prevent the stone from being scratched. Upon completion of the swimming pool removal, we removed the dirt ramp and the tarp to find the stone wall remained fully intact. We then reset the capping with a fresh layer of mortar.
There was an iron fence that was set into the wall. We neatly cut the fence in (3) strategic points. After the wall caps were put back in place we re-installed the iron fencing and welded the (3) points back together. All done in-house. The masonry work and the blacksmith work is something that most swimming pool removal contractors do not have the ability to handle in-house. Not to mention, its rare a company has employees that are able to use extreme care and caution under such conditions.
When I speak to prospective pool removal clients on the telephone, its not easy to convey that there’s more to swimming pool removal than just dumping dirt into a hole in the ground. Its hard for me to express to people that who they hire to remove their pool matters without sounding like a pushy, pompous, salesman. So I take a lot of picture of our swimming pool demolition jobs. And I write blogs about our swimming pool removal jobs!
Call Andrew Today, The Bethesda MD Pool Removal Expert!
If your Bethesda pool removal project has some challenges, and if you’re looking for a pool removal company that will respect your property – then please contact me today! Oh, and even if your property doesn’t have any challenges – Still Contact Me Today!

Water has been pumped out. Let the pool demolition begin

Bethesda MD Swimming Pool Removal Experts

We know how to demolish old swimming pools in Bethesda MD constricting backyards!

Sometimes we need to get creative to access the backyards

Our access ramp to remove this Bethesda MD pool

Fresh sod to go with the pool removal project

Sod is being installed

It was a cloudy day, but with the removal of the pool, they now have a new backyard!

The Bethesda MD pool demolition is complete. Time to reinstall and weld the iron fencing

The Bethesda MD pool removal job is 100% complete!