Contact Pools Removed
Experts at Swimming Pool Demolition & Removal Services
At Pools Removed, we specialize in providing top-notch swimming pool demolition and removal services throughout the entire state of Maryland and all of Northern Virginia. Our team of professionals is dedicated to ensuring that your swimming pool removal project is completed efficiently and in a timely manner. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you with your swimming pool demolition and removal needs.

To obtain a free preliminary estimate, you may:
E-mail pictures to: info@poolsremoved.com.
Text Pictures via cell phone. Please contact Outdoor Finishes to obtain a phone number to text the pictures to. The phone number displayed in this website is a landline telephone.
SCROLL DOWN to fill out our questionnaire to send us all your pertinent information.
We are aware that many of our customers do not have computer access. For those that do not use computers or smart phones, please contact Outdoor Finishes at (301) 416-2600 and we’ll discuss other options for obtaining an estimate.
We must know what type of pool you have. Please let us know if the pool is vinyl, fiberglass, concrete, or gunite.
We will need pictures of the following:
1-2 photos of the front of the residence, showing the street and driveway, so we can determine where fill material can be unloaded and staged.
(1) photo of the side yard access, so we can determine what size equipment can be used.
(2) pictures with different angles of the backyard / pool, so we can see how the pool is situated.
We will need the street address, city, and state. No one will come to your property.
It is helpful to know how many gallons of water the pool holds. This enables us to convert the gallons to cubic feet, which in turn enables us to estimate how many truckloads of fill will be needed. Don’t worry if you don’t know how many gallons the pool holds, we’ll base the estimate on experience we’ve had with other pools.
We will provide you with a free preliminary estimate. If the preliminary estimate is within your budget, the owner of Outdoor Finishes will be happy to schedule a site visit and meet with you and provide a firm estimate.
If you have questions, please call us anytime at (301) 416-2600.

We realize you may not like filling out forms! However, the information you provide will enable the contractor to generate a preliminary proposal. The more accurately you complete this form, the more accurate your preliminary proposal will be.
We proudly serve the following locations:
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Contact us today for a free quote!